A beloved cat of some Cheverly residents has gone missing and they need your help in locating him asap. Their message is below.
Skinny has totally vanished and not come back since 3:30 PM. This is a cat who is totally comfort and food-oriented. He doesn't go far. But I have searched and called all the way around Valley Way and Lake, even though he was really just hanging out in front of the house, where there was no snow. In short, our beloved Skinny appears to be lost. He is large, about 2 years old and totally black EXCEPT for a small bit of white chest hair and a white area on the lower stomach that looks like underwear.We live on Lower Valley Way near Benton between Lake and 59th. If you have info or see him, pls let me know or call 301 386-4072.
Please note that the above is a picture of Skinny, but it's from when he was much younger. However, with this picture, you should get a good idea of his coloring and basic build.
Skinny is safe and back home with his family.