Saturday, April 24, 2010

ChvDog Endorses Micah

On behalf of the authors of ChvDog, Heather Smith and myself, we endorse
Micah Watson for Cheverly Mayor. We believe that Micah is the candidate that
has most demonstrated his commitment to caring for Cheverly animals--and for
Maryland's animals in general. Micah supported SB 505, banning the sale of
puppies in MD (and thus helping to end puppy mills), and supports a
resolution promoting Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) within Cheverly as the most
humane method to care for Cheverly's feral cat population. Micah also
supports the effort to bring some of the needs of Cheverly's animals into
the purview of Chevelry itself by making use of the Animal Warden position,
provide for in the Town Code.

You can read more about Micah's stance on animal issues here:

We ask those who support animal issues to vote for Micah on May 3, 2010.

Daphne and Heather
To read more about Cheverly animals in need: go here:

Friday, April 23, 2010

FOUND: Yellow lab mix, Cheverly

This dog was found on Friday, April 23, 2010. If this is your dog, or you know the owner, please call: 202-309-5754.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Cheverly Mayoral candidates answer animal-related questions!

The three Mayoral candidates agreed to answer nine questions put together by the ChvDog authors. We thank our candidates for participating in this process!

The following questions were posed to each of the three Mayoral candidates, who were kind enough to submit their answers. The questions appear below, in bold; answers have been copied in their entirety and have not been edited for content, style, or spelling. Answers from each candidate are pasted below each question; answers by individual candidates are provided in alphabetical order by last name. The following abbreviations are used:

Mike Callahan: MC
Tom Foley: TF
Micah Watson: MW

1.This year, two animal-welfare bills appeared before the MD legislature: SB 305, banning the sale of puppies at pet stores (and working to eliminate puppy mills), and SB 21/HB 265, HR MD, increasing jail time for cruelty to animals.
a. What are your views on these two bills?
b. If elected, do you anticipate voicing your support/opposition for animal-welfare bills that come before the MD Legislature?


MC: Personally, I agree with both of these bills, as I previously owned a Golden Retriever. The over breeding of Goldens has caused hip issues, which mine unfortunately died of at an early age. I believe the only way to really stop puppy mills is to increase adoption rates at neighborhood animal shelters, creating a shortage in demands for these puppies. Increasing publicity for adoption is one key tool, and the state providing tax incentives for adopting a pet is another. One thing we can do here in town is to create an organization of residents that can publish articles in the newsletter.

TF: No to absolute ban; yes to ban from uncertified supply sources; yes for increasing jail time for animal cruelty.

MW: I strongly support both bills. Unfortunately, the puppy mill bill (SB505) seems likely to die, as the Finance Committee has not acted on it and the bill was not cross-filed in the House. The animal cruelty bill has passed the Senate, however, the House version appears likely to die in the House Judiciary Committee. The Senate version will meet the same fate unless the House Judiciary Committee changes its mind. Fortunately, one of Cheverly’s delegates, Victor Ramirez, sits on that committee. I’d suggest we contact Victor and ask him to keep the Senate version of the animal cruelty bill alive.


MC: Since I’ve joined council there have been conversations regarding which state or federal issues we should voice support or opposition to. The council has avoided weighing in on every issue, as we feel it weakens our voice on key issues with a direct impact on the town. Examples of issues we avoided are Nuclear Free Zones or the War in Iraq. An example of one I supported was the Maryland Clean Cars Act passed in 2007 to help reduce air pollution from vehicles. I agreed with the Clean Cars Act because of the proximity of the town to major highways.

While I personally support these animal welfare bills I would not anticipate putting the town’s weight behind them. However, I would always be open to considering it if a significant number of residents made a compelling case as to why this particular issue required the Town’s intervention.

TF: Personal support – yes; official support without Council approval – no.

MW: Yes, as mayor, I would be a powerful advocate for animal rights. While the Town has often taken positions in Annapolis and Upper Marlboro on issues directly affecting development, police aid or other “obvious” topics, I believe the Mayor of Cheverly should also take stands on issues of importance to Town residents and the broader concept of Town “well-being.”

2. If elected Mayor, would you pursue an area dog park, and if yes, where?

MC: I believe the entire council would like to see a dog park in town. Unfortunately, after a lot of time and effort, including careful examination of several areas in Town, we were unable to identify a location that was not perceived to infringe on neighboring homes.

Two essential keys to a great dog park are space and distance from homes. The only location nearby that I believe meets these criteria is Kentlands. Unfortunately the county turned us down when we suggested this. It is worth continuing to pursue and I welcome suggestions.

I understand the County has a dog park plan under consideration. If they decide against it, the decision to support a Cheverly dog park would depend on the availability of town property space and cost.

For the past five years, I’ve been the primary advocate on the Council for an enclosed off-leash dog park in Town. A paucity of good sites and strong neighbor opposition have prevented us from moving forward. More recently, I pushed the Council to lobby the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission to include a dog park in ongoing redevelopment plans for large parks near Cheverly, so that Cheverly residents could at least drive to a nearby dog park. With renewed resident interest, I believe we could make this a reality in the next few years.

3. Section 4-14 of Cheverly's Town Code provides for an Animal Warden; it is our understanding that the Town does not currently make use of this provision. If the Town did make use of this position, it would allow the Town to protect animals within its jurisdiction and prevent many of those animals from being turned over to the Prince George's County Animal Management Group--which has high euthanization rates (data below). If elected, would you work to make use of the Animal Warden authority provided by the Town Code, and if yes, how? If not, why?

Cats: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Intake 4759 5068 4930 5365 5333
RTO 101 115 97 63 80
Adopt 181 194 178 192 179
Euth 3652 3513 3107 3547 3107

Dogs: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Intake 6248 5926 5672 5751 5252
RTO 1281 1392 1151 1295 1044
Adopt 754 834 719 992 949
Euth 2967 2473 2590 2138 1876

RTO = returned to owner
“Euth” includes only those animals euthanized at the shelter, not those euthenized at a veterinary office.

MC: I am willing to sit down with anyone who wants to work through the issues associated with implementing a Cheverly Animal Management Group. However, I do not think that Cheverly can absorb the cost of building and maintaining a kennel and hiring an animal warden. As with a dog park, finding a suitable location would also be a challenge. Given our limited resources there is no guarantee we would do a better job than the County, despite our good intentions. I believe a more effective strategy is to work to change the County’s policies.

I do not have sufficient information as to the scope of the problem. It would also depend on the availability of funding.

MW: I absolutely support appointing an Animal Warden and would ask the Council to do so. While we cannot afford a full-time staff member, I know there are several Town residents who would seek a one-year appointment to this unpaid position. I envision our Animal Warden would report at least weekly to our Public Works Director and Town Administrator and, much less frequently, directly to the Council. I would ask the Council to make some funds available for supplies or equipment, and would suggest that the Animal Warden chair an informal committee of animal advocates so that she/he has a support network of Town residents for advice, coverage, etc.

4. Section 23 of the Cheverly Town Code prohibits signs on public right of ways in Town, with the exception of real estate signs. The Town Code does not contemplate signs posted for anything other than a commercial purpose; this oversight results in the crippling of search efforts for owners of lost pets in Town. The fastest way to spread the word about a lost pet is to post signs in the area where the pet has been lost, allowing the owner to receive tips from concerned neighbors who have seen the missing pet. Would you work to amend the current Town code to include a provision allowing pet owners to post signs for the purpose of finding their lost pet, with provisions detailing the duration for which the signs may stay on public right of ways and a fee associated with being allowed to do so? If not, why?

MC: I am willing to work to review the sign ordinance for many purposes, not just pets. In my campaign, I’ve heard from people who would also like the sign ordinance relaxed for yard sales, sports activities and other events. People who put up signs would need to be responsible for removing them after a short, defined period of time. While I was not on council when this policy was adopted, I am sure the ordinance was implemented in reaction to signs not being removed and creating a nuisance themselves.

TF: Probably no inasmuch permission could probably be obtained from property owners in the area where the signs would be posted in accord with the Town sign ordinance.

MW: I would support such an effort, because it provides a clear public service with minimal and short-term impact on the streetscape. However, I’m not sure it requires a code revision. Right now, you can ask the Town Administrator to allow you (for a small fee) to post signs for a one-day yard sale. I would seek to have lost animal signs fit under this existing provision.

5. Do you have any pets? If so, please elaborate.

MC: We currently have a dog, named Audra who was a pet rescue from Washington Animal Rescue League. We adopted Audra when she was 8 years old, and other than listing a little to the right as she runs, she is a perfectly wonderful pet and member of our family. Over the years we have had a collection of guinea pigs, birds, dogs and fish!

We have a 13 year old neutered Siamese cat.

MW: While I grew up with cats and dogs – a proven coalition builder! – we do not currently have pets.

6. Currently, Cheverly has an issue with feral cats. Many studies conclude that implementing a TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) program, rather than the Trap-and-Kill policy our county currently imposes, is the only way to effectively reduce the feral cat population, yet also not punish caretaker who try to attend to these cats in humane manner. Many caretakers are reluctant to take a more active role in addressing the Chevelry feral cat situation because they fear reprisal--or are afraid that they will be cited for code violations as a result of their care of feral cats. To encourage a citizen-led effort to implement a TNR program in Cheverly, would you support a resolution endorsing TNR as a humane method of addressing the Cheverly feral cat population?

This and the next few questions raise the issue of neighbors’ rights. In a town that is mostly comprised of small lots in close proximity to each other, answers to each of these questions have to be looked at from the neighbors’ perspective who may have issues.

First let me say that there are a few feral cats on my street, that as far as I know do not cause any issue, therefore there is no outcry. However, the issue the council dealt with one year ago was significantly different -- one homeowner was managing many cats, creating a nuisance to neighbors. Asking those neighbors to release cats (that were considered a nuisance) back into their yard is not appropriate.

My points are:
1. Managing a small number of cats generally flies under the radar, and does not create issues between neighbors.
2. If a neighbor was so bothered by the feral cat that the cat was trapped, I think it is unreasonable to ask that same person to release the cat back into their yard.

I believe the Town Administrator found the appropriate balance to this question by changing town policy. Today, when a resident asks for a trap, they also receive literature regarding the humane treatment of feral cats. In addition, I would support a change in the county’s policy so that TNR is an authorized option for the handling of feral cats.

I lack sufficient information to have an opinion on this issue.

MW: As mayor, I would welcome continuing the conversation we began about a year ago. If the evidence clearly points to TNR as the most sustainable policy, then I would support such a resolution. I would need to see and hear more about the “caretaker” question. While I want all animals treated humanely, as mayor I need to ensure that no resident is acting in any way that is exacerbating an animal management problem. If TNR is clearly in the best interests of the Town, then I don’t believe the Town government should stand in the way of a citizen-led effort to implement a TNR program.

7. Recently, many residents have expressed that they'd like to keep Chickens in their back yards. What are your thoughts on this?

Again, this question raises the issue of neighbors’ rights. The current county law does not allow chickens on lots smaller than 20,000 square feet. I believe there is logic in this law, because it allows someone to have a chicken enclosure that does not border their neighbors’ property. Cheverly does not allow chickens at all, but I would be willing look at allowing chickens in yards larger than 20,000 square feet, as long as the ordinance ensures the enclosure was closer to the owner’s home than to their neighbor’s property.

Probably no because of the noise. I have visited with relatives in Europe who have chickens in their yard.

I have heard that the County does not allow residents to keep chickens in the yards. Practically speaking, if neither the Town government nor the neighbors object, the County will never enforce such a ban. As mayor, my primary concern would be impact on the neighbors and on the environment. If advocates can demonstrate to the Council that the impact on neighboring properties is not significant; waste run-off or other by-products are not adverse; and property maintenance standards do not suffer, I would have no problem with residents keeping chickens in their back yards.

8. Do you support residents keeping honeybees?

Once again, this question raises the issue of neighbors’ rights. I readily admit that I do not know much about raising honey bees and the safety issues associated with doing so.

I support efforts that help promote locally-produced foods, and I am aware that a number of large cities and small towns allow for the raising of chickens for personal egg production and the maintenance of honeybees. However, any consideration of changing the Town’s ordinances must be done cautiously, including a careful review of the experiences of those communities that have allowed these practices, as well as an approach that properly respects neighbor’s rights.

Probably no because of the proximity of neighbors with children.

MW: My outlook on bees is the same as my outlook on chickens. I would add that the burden of proof really is on the advocates who want to implement these initiatives. If the impacts of keeping chickens and/or bees can be mitigated in a reasonable way, the Town government should not stand in the way just out of habit.

9. With the increased use of local Cheverly blogs and listservs, reisdents have been able to help get the word out about lost and found animals in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, many of the residents that may have lost or found an animal don't utilize these mediums. If elected, would you support advertising lost and found pets on the local cable channel or possibly even within the monthly newsletter?

MC: Yes.

TF: Cable – probably yes; news letter – probably no because of the lack of immediacy of spreading the information as to the loss.

MW: One of the five planks of my platform is drastically improved communications with Town residents. I would take my cue from the Animal Warden and other advocates in Town, but I certainly would not rule out use of the Town website, the cable channel or the newsletter. While the monthly newsletter is not a timely medium, it might contain a recap of last month’s “reunions” and tips for animal care, e.g. spay/neuter clinics, inexpensive shots, and proper licensing. I also want to introduce official discussion boards, blogs and listserves, and I would want those media available for use by the Animal Warden.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Doggie brunch, April 25

You and your dog(s) are invited to a potluck brunch on Barnard Hill Park on Sunday, April 25 around 10AM. The people will enjoy homemade frittata, fruit salad, orange juice, and whatever else you might want to bring, while the pooches romp around and entertain us.

This is an open invitation, so please feel free to invite friends and neighbors with friendly dogs.

When: Sunday, April 25 around 10AM
Where: Barnard Hill Park (corner on Eastern Ave and Bunker Hill/Randolph)
What to bring: Your dog and a potluck item for brunch (optional)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Meet Miley

Miley is a wonderful little beagle mix looking for a family she can call her own. She's a sweet and loving 8ish years young. Though still a bit timid and unsure, she's also quite affectionate and loving. She loves other dogs (not sure about cats) and truly enjoys taking walks and exploring the outdoor on her leash. She deserves to live out her golden years with a loving family. It takes a special person to adopt an older dog but she has so much love left to give.

If you're interested in Miley and want more information, check out her Petfinder page here, or contact her current foster parent directly via

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

FOUND: Male shepherd mix

Please help us find this boy's home.

He is a male un-neutered German Shepherd. He appears to be an adolescent by look and playful attitude. He really is a sweetie. A neighbor has been giving him temporary shelter but won't be able to do that for too much longer so this lovable boy will have to find his owners or a new temporary/permanent home soon. He was found on the Belleview bend, heading toward 202. No collar/ID.

If you recognize this dog or own this dog, please call 202.258.6167 or 737.244.3135.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Found Dog from around Belleview and Kilmer

This afternoon, this pretty dog sought some playtime with a friendly family that lives around the Belleview and Kilmer intersection. They're trying to find it's owners, but as of yet, to no avail.

It's a friendly, healthy dog with a collar, but no identification tags. Do you recognize it or know it's owners? If so, please contact Melanie at (202) 436-5311.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Micah Watson supports SB 505, banning the sale of puppies in MD

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Micah Watson
Date: Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 1:24 PM
Subject: Support for SB 505

Dear Members of the Finance Committee:

As a life-long Marylander and animal lover, I want to express my support for Senator Gladden's SB 505, the puppy mill elimination bill. It's time for Maryland to put an end to this practice. I hope you will report SB 505 favorably to the full Senate.


Micah Watson
Vice Mayor,
Town of Cheverly

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MD Senate bill 505, banning the sale of puppies in MD

To read the text of the bill, go here. Please contact your state and local representatives and ask them to support this bill!

You can read an article about it here!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

FOUND: Mastiff mix, 02/11/10

This big boy was found in Cheverly, MD. Do you recognize him or know his people? If yes, please leave a comment. Thanks!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

FOUND: Doxie mix, Cheverly, MD

This cute pup was found in Cheverly, near the community gardens. Do you recognize this dog? If so, please leave a comment so we can reunite this sweet girl with her family! She is listed on petfinder!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

LOST: Homeward Trails beagle, District Heights, MD

Sweetie, a Homeward Trails Animal Rescue beagle, was lost 01/16/10 in Anacostia, DC. She has been tracked into Prince George's County, with our most recent sightings this week in both Suitland and Upper Marlboro, MD.

You can read about the search for Sweetie on her blog, or on MSNBC.

Please call 1-877-MUT-AWOL (1-877-688-2965) if seen; do not chase! A reward is being offered for her safe return.

We are always in need of assistance with searching and spreading the word, so please leave a comment on the blog if you can join the effort to bring Sweetie home!

Thank you!

FOUND: Male boxer, Adelphi, MD

This cutie was found in Adelphi, MD. Do you know him? If so, please contact us!

He is listed on petfinder.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Search for Berdina, January 10, 1:00 pm

Berdina has been lost since April, but was just tracked and is in the same area she's been in since the summer--right near us in Hyattsville. Please join us to help flyer and spread the word about Berdina tomorrow! If you've seen Berdina, please call 1-877-MUT-AWOL. You can follow the search here.

Where: Parking lot behind Heurich Dog Park. Once you get to the dog park, follow the access road to the athletic fields and park in that parking lot. Map to the dog park is here.

When: Sunday, January 10, 2009, at 1:00 PM

What: Flier the area and search for Berdina; hand out business cards

What to bring:
- 50 copies of the flier (can be downloaded from the search blog)
- 50 plastic sheet covers
- 50 thumbtacks to hang your fliers, tape
- Berdina's business cards (can be downloaded from the search blog), to hand out to folks you meet while flyering
- Stinky treats, like hot dogs or cat food
- A leash
- Water and a snack for you

What to wear: Wear comfortable walking clothing and a red shirt or jacket so we can easily identify you as part of the search team.

Who to call if you've seen Berdina: 1-877-MUT-AWOL

Please let us know if you can join!

Update and request for help finding cat lost from 1-295/New York Ave car accident

Update: Renna has been spotted in the industrial park located just behind where the accident took place. This is in the Bladensburg area, not too far off of Tuxedo Road in Cheverly. The industrial park just off the road between the Shell station and Peoples Supply, on Kenilworth Avenue. Very close to the Pepsi sign.

The owners are offering a reward to anyone that finds her. So please, if anyone can volunteer some time soon, it'd be greatly appreciated. With this severe weather, time is of the essence.

Volunteers can contact Heather at 202 812-3233.

Original post here.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Officials promise ‘new day' for animal care

The Gazette had yet another article on the supposed changes being implemented by officials at the county animal shelter. Shelter officials say things are better, though animal advocates remain concerned.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lost cat from New York Ave/I-295 accident

On Dec. 29th, an unlucky couple traveling from Massachusetts to Florida was involved in a nasty auto accident at the entrance ramp of New York Avenue. Just off of I-295. Renna, the frightened kitty ran out of the car and reportedly into the direction of the Theodore Hagans Cultural Center.

Renna is a black and white domestic short hair female that weighs approximately 13lbs. Luckily, she does have a micro chip. She is a house cat and not accustomed to the inclement weather, nor fending for herself.

Her family is out of the hospital and back in Massachusetts, though missing Renna immensely. If you have any sightings or information that may help, please contact them as soon as possible via contact information below. Also, if you know anybody that may live or work in that area, please forward them this post.

508-962-9246 Donald
508-644-3189 Martin

Update:(1/8/10) Renna has been spotted in the industrial park located just behind where the accident took place. This is in the Bladensburg area, not too far off of Tuxedo Road in Cheverly. The industrial park is just off the road between the Shell station and Peoples Supply, on Kenilworth Avenue. Very close to the Pepsi sign.

The owners are offering a reward to anyone that finds her. So please, if anyone can volunteer some time soon, it'd be greatly appreciated. With this severe weather, time is of the essence.

Volunteers can contact Heather at 301 341-9162.

Dogs found, West Hyattsville Metro--now home

UPDATE: These dogs have been reunited with their owner.

At 8:00pm on 1/4/10, two dogs were found at the West Hyattsville Metro. No collars and not sure yet if the are chipped. One female Shepard and a male black Pitbull mix. They seem to belong together. Please help find their home.

Call 301-996-7816.